We are a privately held small business in Frederick, Maryland, USA.
(We used Physics and NASA references to help design these Wind Powered Generators.)
(We made our product, our price, our conditons, our warrantee; open, honest, and very clear.)
(We are selling to YOU a Wind Powered Generator.)
- manufacturing capacity
- distribution channels
- service facilities
- records other than on this web site
- data other than on this web site
- sales reports
- investors
- interests
- personnel
- management
- some of our private research
- some of our suppliers' contacts
Our manufacturing capacity, distribution channels, service facilities, records other than on this web site,
data other than on this web site, sales reports, investors, interests, personnel, management, some of our
private research, and some of our suppliers' contacts are private company information. Do not ask for them.
If you have read this entire site, then you will know not to ask for them. When you contact us, if you ask
for them, then we might consider your questions intrusive. Please be courteous and polite and respect our
small company privacy.
We might consider anyone that even remotely suggests becoming an investor, without having purchased at least
100KW of Wind Powered Generators from us, to be repulsed and blocked. We are a manufacturing company. If you
want to invest, then purchase first and prove to us that you have that ability.
We talk to utility companies, governmental agencies, etc., and there are times for confidential notices.
We manufacture and sell Wind Powered Generators. As a company, we are not here to be your confident. Unless
the communication is agreed upon by us as confidential, then we might consider initial emails which
have the following notice:
LEGAL NOTICE: The information contained in this message and or attachments are intended only for the
person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material.
Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action, in reliance upon
this information, by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have
received this in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the material from any system
and destroy any copies. You should not retain, copy or use this email for any purpose, nor disclose
all or any part of its content to any other person.
to be unprofessional.
Google Analytics, has told us that we have visitors from many different countries/territories. Google
Analytics has told us that we have visitors which have used many different languages. Please do not offer
to increase our sales or our world-wide marketing unless you are already a reference with a reference
number (see the appropriate page on our site) with at least 10 units sale referenced (with our making
a completed sale on each and your getting credit for each). See our pages on reference agreements.
- names of customers
- addresses of customers
- phone numbers of customers
- history of customers
- other records relating to customers
- * one possible option *
This is (as we see it) a small, private, manufacturing company.
We have received many inquires from people claiming to be investors or wanting us to invest in their
product or idea. We are not interested. Usually, as it seems, they talk about what they can do for us
or they make direct or veiled claims about access to money. Quite often they ask for intricate details
about us and about our customers. We find that to be intrusive and we might consider it rude. We have
decided to immediately categorize contacts that ask for (or even suggest that we discuss in any manner)
names of customers, or addresses of customers, or phone numbers of customers, or history of customers,
or other records relating to customers, to be by default repulsive and not a nice person to do business
with. That applies even if they supply references for themselves. Our customer base is private information.
We do not want other people bothering them.
There is one possible option: If YOU want people to contact you about owning a wind powered generator from
us, then you must FIRST purchase a wind powered generator from us, then you must SIGN an agreement with us
stating that however much people contact you and interrupt your private life and bother you with commercial
questions about your owning a Reasonable Power Wind Powered Generator, you will agree to that.
We are a manufacturing company.
We manufacture and sell Wind Powered Generators.
That is it.